What is pta?
PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a grassroots organization made up of parents, teachers, and others around the state who have a special interest in children, families, and schools. PTA members are advocates for all children in our neighborhoods, throughout the state, and on Capitol Hill. By joining a local PTA, a member automatically becomes a part of the largest child-advocacy organization in the state and nation.
PTAs work for children. PTAs meet together, study problems, support teachers, volunteer in schools, attend workshops on parenting and become informed on issues regarding children and youth. As a result, PTA members become better parents, teachers, and citizens.
You can join the individual school PTAs through their links below:
Turner Elementary: https://tepta202.memberhub.com
Junction Elementary: https://junctioncardinals.memberhub.com/store
Midland Trail Elementary: https://midlandtrailpta.memberhub.com/store
Oak Grove Elementary: https://oakgrovepanthers.memberhub.com/store
Turner Middle School & TSGA: https://tms202.memberhub.com/store
Turner High School: https://turnerhighschool.memberhub.com/store
Journey School of Choice: https://jsocptsa.memberhub.com/store
- Turner High School
- Journey School of Choice
- Turner Middle School & Sixth Grade Academy
- Junction Elementary
- Midland Trail Elementary
- Oak Grove Elementary
- Turner Elementary
Turner High School
Journey School of Choice
Turner Middle School & Sixth Grade Academy
Junction Elementary
Midland Trail Elementary
Oak Grove Elementary
Turner Elementary
pta district council
The PTA District Council consists of representatives from each of the member schools. The council meets monthly to unify the individual school Parent Teacher Associations and acts as a liaison between individual units and the the state organization. If you would like more information about your local Parent Teacher Association, please reach out to any member of the District Council.
Carla Soptic
Tiffanie Cheatom
1st vice president
Allison Knight
Crystal Mysliwski
2nd vice president
Vikki Mullins