KG - 5 Summer School
- Located at Oak Grove Elementary School
- Grades PK - 5 in 2023-24
- Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM (including breakfast and lunch)
- Enrollment deadline May 10th, 2024 or no seats remain.
Elementary summer school is by invitation only. Voluntary assignments will be considered on a space available basis. Please contact your teacher or principal if interested in your child attending summer school. Bus transportation will be provided.
- Located at Oak Grove Elementary School
- Grades K - 4 in 2023-24
- Monday-Friday care provided 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM (including breakfast and lunch)
- Enrollment deadline May 10th, 2024 or no seats remain.
The YMCA SPARK! is a 6-week opportunity to provide an enriched literacy experience for select
groups of students - this is an invitation only opportunity - within the Turner School District. The YMCA is providing an all-day learning opportunity for students beyond the normal summer school time that is free to families. The morning (8 AM - 12PM) will be a daily literacy component directed by certified teachers. Students will also have an opportunity to engage with the Hoot Reading Program which allows students to work one-on-one with an online certified reading instructor. The afternoon (12 PM - 5 PM) will be activities including art, music, fitness, and field trips.
If your child was recommended for the SPARK program, you will receive and email with a registration link. If you have questions, please contact your school principal.
Grades 6 - 8 Summer School
- Located at Turner Middle School
- Grades 6-8 in 2023-24
- Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM (including breakfast and lunch)
- Enrollment deadline May 17th, 2024
The middle school summer program will offer teacher directed instruction in English, Math, and some electives. Students will attend three classes per day and the classes they attend will be based on their middle school transcript. Students may also be assigned a period of computerized intervention in reading and/or math. Bus transportation and a school issued MacBook will be provided.
Course work must be completed by the close of summer school, June 28, 2024. Progress in each course will be reported to the middle school.
Beyond the Bell courses utilize online learning management systems, Schoology or Edgenuity. Beyond the Bell courses are courses designed for initial credit not credit recovery. Students are expected to work independently through the curriculum submitting requirements and communicating with instructors electronically. Students are required to attend a course orientation and some onsite assessments which will be scheduled by assigned teacher. Students must have access to high speed internet to enroll in a Beyond the Bell course. Course work must be completed by the close of summer school, June 28, 2024. Grades will be issued and the course grade added to the student's transcript.
Tuition: $100 per ½ credit. Tuition must be paid in full upon enrollment. Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition can be paid online through the Infinite Campus Portal or with the high school book keeper.
Grades 9 - 12 Summer School
- Located at Turner Middle School
- Grades 9-12 in 2023-24
- Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM (including breakfast and lunch)
- Enrollment deadline May 17th, 2024
The high school credit recovery summer program will offer both computerized instruction and teacher directed instruction. The computerized instruction utilizes the software program Edgenuity with support from a certified teacher. Students will enroll in two summer school courses. Bus transportation and a school issued MacBook will be provided.
Course work must be completed by the close of summer school, June 28, 2024. Grades will be issued and the course grade added to the student's transcript.