Welcome to Turner USD 202! Everyday we strive to achieve success by expecting the best from everyone, both in the classroom and outside school walls. We thank you for choosing the Turner Unified School District and look forward to getting to know your student both personally and academically.
If you are looking for more information about our preschool and kindergarten programs, visit their webpages through the links below.
Enrollment can be done completely online, but if you need assistance in-person, call the district office at 913-288-4123. If you do an in-person enrollment, please ensure you have all the required documents with you.
For information about open enrollment, see the below section titled, "Non-Resident Student Enrollment".
Online enrollments are preferred, however in person enrollment may be done by appointment.
New students enrolling in USD 202 will need to provide the following:
- Proof of Residency: A utility bill or lease is needed to establish residency in Turner USD 202.
- Student's State Issued Birth Certificate: Required at the time of enrollment for students entering school in Kansas for the first time. An in-state transfer student without a birth certificate must submit within 30 days of enrollment or will be referred to the District Attorney's Office pursuant to Kansas State Law 72-53,106.
- State Issued Identification of Parent/Guardian
- Immunization Record
Completed Physical Form: Required within 90 days of enrollment for students entering school in Kansas for the first time.
Parents/guardians who prefer to enroll a new student in-person rather than online may schedule an appointment by calling the Office of Student Services at (913) 288-4123. Parents/guardians should come to the appointment with the required documentation listed above.
EXistinging student online registration (OLR)
Each May, returning students will need to complete online registration (OLR) through Parent Portal to be officially enrolled for the upcoming school year. This process consists of the parent/guardian verifying the information on file for each student and signing off on the parent acknowledgements in July. Students will not receive their district technology or class schedule until OLR and parent acknowledgements are completed.
From June 1 through June 30, TUSD shall accept applications from nonresident students. If the number of applications for a grade level is less than the number of available seats for that grade level, the nonresident students shall be accepted for enrollment and attendance at the school district provided the students meet the good standing criteria. If the number of applications for a grade level is greater than the number of available seats for the grade level, TUSD shall randomly select nonresident students using a confidential lottery process.
The District shall give priority in enrollment to the following nonresident students, who shall receive open seats without necessity of being selected through the open-seat lottery:
- any nonresident student currently attending Turner USD 202 that remain in good standing;
- any sibling of a nonresident student who was accepted to enroll in and attend school in the district;
- any nonresident student who is a military student as defined in K.S.A. 72-5139;
- any child who is in the custody of the Department for Children and Families and who is living in the home of a nonresident student who transfers to the district;
- any nonresident student who has a parent or person acting as parent employed by the district shall be permitted to enroll in and attend school in the district as if the student is a resident of the district while the parent or person acting as a parent remains employed by the district;
- any child who is experiencing homelessness shall be permitted to enroll in and attend the school district of origin or the school district of residence.
- students that relocate outside the district in the fourth consecutive semester of enrollment as a resident and the student is in good standing.
- any resident of the district wishing to enroll in a school building other than the designated attendance building for their address.
To apply for an available seat, nonresident students and their parents must complete the application at the link below and submit the application and supporting student records to the Office of Student Services, 800 South 55th Street, Kansas City, KS 66106.
Office of Student Services
800 S. 55th St.
Kansas City, KS 66106
Lesa Kooken
Student Services Secretary, Enrollment
(913) 288-4123
Statute 72-1111: Compulsory school attendance; exemptions. (a) Subject to the other provisions of this section, every parent or person acting as parent in the state of Kansas, who has control over or charge of any child who has reached the age of seven years and is under the age of 18 years and has not attained a high school diploma or a general education development (GED) credential, shall require such child to be regularly enrolled in and attend continuously each year (1) a public school for the duration of the school term provided for in K.S.A. 72-1006, and amendments thereto, or (2) a private, denominational or parochial school taught by a competent instructor for a period of time which is substantially equivalent to the period of time public school is maintained in the school district in which the private, denominational or parochial school is located. If the child is 16 or 17 years of age, the parent or person acting as parent, by written consent, or the court, pursuant to a court order, may allow the child to be exempt from the compulsory attendance requirements of this section.