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how to report an absence

If you know your child will be late arriving at school, or absent for the day, please let us know as soon as possible by calling the school office. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence.

Please let us know the following information:

  • The child's name and his/her teacher's name
  • Date the absence will occur
  • Reason for absence

absence policies


Excused absences from school may be for reasons of illness, bereavement, appointments, or an absence approved or prearranged by a school administrator. Students may be excused from school for 10 days with verified permission from a guardian. Further absences will be unexcused unless a doctor’s note is received by the school office. A doctor’s note must list the dates a student was physically unable to attend or seen by the doctor. When students cannot attend school, parents must call the school office as early as possible. Absences must be excused within 48 hours.


It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the necessary information from their teachers with respect to making up school assignments missed during an absence. Students must be allowed a minimum of two school days to complete makeup assignments.


All other absences not outlined in the excused absence section and not approved by a school administrator are considered unexcused. Work missed due to an unexcused absence may result in no credit. Students are encouraged to maintain continuity of learning by completing assignments missed during an unexcused absence even though no credit may be given. Absence due to suspension from school is considered unexcused but does not apply to student truancy.


An absence will be recorded if a student misses a significant part of the school day. This is defined as:

Elementary: The day is divided into nine 45-minute periods. A student who is absent for four periods is considered absent one-half (1/2) day; more than four periods of absence in a day will be counted as a full day of absence.

Secondary: A student who is absent for three periods is considered absent one-half (1/2) day; more than three periods of absence in a day will be counted as a full day of absence.

Students leaving early will be marked absent in the periods missed. Students departing early from school will be excused only 5 times per semester. Early departures in excess of this will not be excused without a doctor’s note. The accumulation of seven unexcused early departures is the equivalent of one absence and will factor into the absence calculation for referral to DCF or the district attorney under the Kansas compulsory attendance law.


Arrival to school for those who do not ride the school bus should coincide with the arrival time of the buses. The school day is defined in individual periods. Students arriving within the first period will be counted as tardy. Students arriving in subsequent periods will be marked absent for the periods missed and tardy in the period in which they arrive. Students arriving late to school will be excused only 5 times per semester. Tardies to school in excess of this will not be excused without a doctor’s note. The accumulation of seven unexcused tardies to school is the equivalent of one unexcused absence and will factor into the absence calculation for referral to DCF or the district attorney under the Kansas compulsory attendance law (See Truancy). At the elementary level, for student safety, if a student arrives at school past the official beginning of the school day, the parent is required to bring the child to the office for late admittance to school. At the secondary level, if a student arrives at school past the official beginning of the school day, the student will report to the office to sign in and will be given a pass to class. If a parent does not accompany the students to the office, the excused call must be recorded prior to the student entering the building for the tardy to be excused.


Students enrolled in kindergarten - twelfth grade, who are inexcusably absent three (3) days in a row, five (5) days in a semester or seven (7) days in a school year are in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law KSA 72-3121. These students will be reported to the Wyandotte County District Attorney. Students who accumulate excessive excused absences may be required to produce verification of further absence to have it excused. Verification will be subject to the administrator’s or designee’s discretion (See excused Absences). In the Four-Year-Old Pre-School program, the accumulation of more than 10 absences will result in removal from the program if a waiting list for the program exists.

Families who need more information or assistance can contact the Truancy Coordinator by calling our district office at 913-288-4100.

attendance offices

Turner High School
(913)288 - 3350

Journey School of Choice
(913)288 - 3690

Turner Middle School
(913)288 - 4008 

Sixth Grade Academy
(913)288 - 3800

Junction Elementary
(913)288 - 3600

Oak Grove Elementary
(913)288 - 3900

Midland Trail Elementary
(913)288 - 3500

Turner Elementary
(913)288 - 3400