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Turner Elementary Student Council Welcomes KCKFD Station 16

The students received a tour of the new facility.

Those who drive down 55th street on a regular basis were able to monitor the progress on the new station being built for the Kansas City Kansas Fire Department. Our Turner Elementary students and staff in particular anxiously waited for their new neighbors to get settled in.

When KCKFD shared that the joining of Station 16 and 17 into the new facility would be done by the end of November, our Turner Elementary student council started thinking of ways to welcome their neighbors to the new building.

In coordination with Turner High School Culinary Arts, who provided cookies, the student council put together welcome signs and made their way down the street to Station 16.

The crew was happy to see them and even took the time to give a tour and share what it’s like being a firefighter. The students loved it!

This new station is equipped with a truck, pumper, and EMS unit. It was a welcomed upgrade - the last time a fire station was built in this area was 1953. The station features a decontamination room, individual bunk rooms, a fitness center, kitchen/dining space, and a gear locker room.

Thank you to the KCKFD Station 16 for giving our students an inside look at the new station!

We love that KCKFD put our Turner Golden Bear logo on their new truck! On the below picture it says, “Protecting Turner Since 1967”.